today i woke up at like 6.30 which is either early nor late. early in a sense of this is sooo early to wake up and late in realizing it's school day. well this is actually nothing compared to me "before" i went here. back then in indonesia i woke up 4 every morning -___-

while that's school day. the things i did in school. what i did at home is so fun, sad (but this is a happy sad, not the depressed sad). i was video calling with her. yeah you know who i meant by her. it's Wirdashari Kaspandani. yup she talked a lot about how she's doing there and all. well yeah you know how hard it is having some kind of "long distance relationship". although somehow we're not officially in some kind of that relationship but yeah we're quite close. and yup we've got many connection problem -__- but anyway she talked about cheerleader, paskib too. everything. and so am i.
I miss you so bad :(
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