So today me and my family are planning to go to Ekero where the Chinese castle and the Queen's Castle are located. and off we go!
But no we don't go by bus. It's just one of the random photo I took from inside the car. Looking at it I kinda like it so yeah I put it as the first pic in this post. Cool eh???
Off we go then. To go to Ekero we have to cross a lake and to cross the lake we've got to board the ferry. Which doesn't really look like one oddly enough -__-
We took some pictures on the ferry as it was moving. Well maybe not some but a lot. And yeah it took some time for the ferry to arrive at it's harbor in the other side of the lake. As I'm waiting I kinda get bored, so I experimented with my camera. I took a photo with a long shutter speed and a large aperture value to balance it up. The result is stunning. The water looks kinda like "flowing" love it :)
As we reached the other side of the lake I saw this extraordinary sight. A boat is tumbled over by the side of the lake! Well of course it was just a tourist attraction but still it caught my attention. And It's a cool thing to see too.
We then throttle our way to the museum
This one on the left is usually a park where people play and all. But now with all the leaves falling looks like not many people are there to play in the park. Good for me though cause I can take a lot of photos ^.^
My parents :')
My lovely sister :)
My family. We were just playing with the leaves in this park. Spent some time playing and it's sooo much fun! ^_^
Then we went to the souvenir shop. We went around the shop and discover a stair that leads to.... a costume dressing room!!! And yeah it was so cool! Everything from swords helmets robes skirts and even the royal crowns! We tried on many clothes. But I like this one. They say it's a clothe for the friends of the prince. Cool, eh?
I was just fooling around on this one :P What do you think? Pretty nice right?
And finally we went to the Queen's castle. Yup. This is it. It's actually pretty HUGE if you're there to witness it yourself. After that though we decided to look some place to eat cause we realize it's 3 already. Time goes by too fast as we had fun :P

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