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Friday, October 15, 2010


Hari ini gue spesial mau nge-post bahasa Indonesia. Karena??? Gue galau bingung dan lagi kangen Indonesia.

Galau karena...
Karena gue gatau tujuan hidup kita tuh apaan. Pernah gak sih ngerasa hidup ini begitu gak berarti? Pernah gak mikir kita hidup di dunia cuman buat makan, tidur, kerja, punya anak, mati? Nah itu dia yang gue rasain. Tapi gue punya jawaban buat itu. Jawabannya adalah karena gue PUNYA agama. Dan itu Islam. Dan dalam Islam kita gak cuma hidup di dunia, kerja susah payah dan mati gitu aja. Kita PERCAYA akan ada hari kiamat, dan semua kebaikan dan keburukan kita dihitung dan dibalas diakhirat. Ini bukan sekedar ceramah. Ini jawaban. Gue sangat prihatin sama masalah ini. Disini, di tempat gue tinggal sekarang, banyak orang yang gak religius, atheis, gak beragama. Dan mereka memang ngaku sendiri gak beragama. Tapi sebenernya apa si yang ada dalam pikiran mereka? Kalo atheis sudah pasti mereka gak percaya bahwa semua perbuatan di dunia ini akan dibalas nantinya kan? Kenapa ampe peduli ke sekolah kalo toh nantinya cuman bakal mati? mungkin itu kenapa gue gak bisa bener bener cocok disini. Bukannya gue gak suka disini, tapi ada batas dimana gue gak bisa lewatin. Karena itu gue mau luapin semua rasa syukur gue disini.

Alhamdulillah aku masi hidup
Alhamdulillah aku masi Islam
Alhamdulillah aku masi solat 5 waktu
Alhamdulillah aku masi belum lupa Allah
Alhamdulillah aku masi belum lupa tujuan hidup
Alhamdulillah aku punya mimpi
Alhamdulillah aku punya keluarga yang menyayangiku
Alhamdulillah aku bangga menjadi orang Indonesia
Alhamdulillah aku masi ingat PAY
Alhamdulillah aku masi sehat wal afiat
Alhamdulillah aku punya sahabat walau terpisah jarak
Alhamdulillah aku....
Gak bakal bisa gue tulis semua rasa syukur gue di sebuah postingan blog kecil ini. Pokoknya Alhamdulillah atas semua yang telah Kau berikan baik ataupun buruk.

Nah kalo gue bingung karena...

Gue bosen dan gatau harus ngapain, jadi ya gue bikin bikin ini aja

Should I make this my new Blog Header?

Or should it be this one???

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


olamolahola readers

yeah just some random hi from me which isn't really that important. Anyway! I have regrets. Let me start off today in the morning.
i woke up pretty early. I read several pages of "oryx and crake" pretty awesome book i might say. took to tunnelbana to school as usual. what's unusual though is that when i reach masmo i realized... i forgot my usb. and in it is the draft of miss kungsholmen program me mark and utku was arranging. fortunately my father is there for me. i waited at varberg for the usb my father will bring.
skipping to the school. i got pretty good score on my geo test. follow the lessons as usual. having lunch then. attend lesson for english and then.... this is why i have regrets.

instead of swedish we have this lecture about time management skills. and to tell you the truth, MY time management is so FUCKED UP! I have no time mangaement AT ALL! I'll have to start this right here right now!

To help me do that i think i'll have to put this big board in my room. and i'll just write what i HAVE to do. and when i'm done i'll erase it. my objective is simple... KEEP THE BOARD CLEAN!!! yup. that is it. pretty good eh? the problem is. I have no board -,-

Yeah that pretty much what hapenned to me today.

P.S. for readers
Please please please leave comment on my blog here.
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Monday, October 11, 2010

Poles student exchange

Note : I wrote this at 12 midnight 6 October 2010. I could've posted this that very moment, but I was really tired so I just made a draft bout it. Besides we had to go to school at 8.20 tomorrow.

Ok let us start from the morning. So this morning... hmmm,... no actually I'll just skip to the afternoon. I'm still gonna write much about this day too though. So yeah we waited for the poles for like... forever. I'm not even joking. They never actually came I just thought that they missed the bus. or even the plane!. Seriously I just wanted to leave a note saying if you're Andrew and you're polish, come to this address or something.

But yeah finally they made it at like 3. Actually I should've said WE made it waiting for them instead of them making it to the station. So I'm with Andrew. First impression? He's tall. And helooks like the kind of guy who got wasted a lot. But you know how "first impression isn't always right" yeah? Well fortunately this time, I was right.

hhh... (that should've sounded like a dissapointing sigh or something)

Yeah we went home to leave his stuff at my place and planned to meet up with the others in centralen.

(OMG seriously I have no more energy to write stuff but I'm pushing myself while it's fresh in my mind)

We actually talked a lot about each other. And from those I realized... we don't actually have the same interest at anything -_- e.g. : me like music, play guitar and keyboard and  he doesn't. he likes smoking, and being drunk me totally doesn't. See the difference? Obvious I guess. As we arrived in Centralen... he just left, talk with his friend and basically he just DITCH me. I was expecting him to like introduce me to his friend cause that way then I get to know more of them. But NO he didn't. Well, whatever I can still take that actually I'm just a bit over I guess. But this, is still nothing compared to me later on.

So I just talked with my friends and a bit of the other "good" polish student. We went to Kungshållen to eat dinner. And yeah we got along pretty well with the other "good" polish student, and to tell you the truth, Andrew isn't one of them. He was smoking, and me no likey smokers. Worse thing? I heard he went high with weed or smthn. OMG please put me out of my misery.

Day 2
Should I even tell this? Whatever no one would read it anyways. Today 8.20 starts class and we're late. Obviously. Actually I kinda forget what happened. So yeah the bottom line is The more I spent time with this guy the more my hatred grows towards smokers and alcoholics. Especially him. No words can describe his disrespectfulness towards me and my family. I'm stopping here as I don't really care anymore

"What had pass just leave it in the past, nothing we can do"
Actually I feel smarter by saying that. Tomorrow's gonna be a new day!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

it's today

Ola readers!
How're you? well today is the birthday of PAY!!! In case you don't know PAY is an organisation i joined in my previous school. And trust me, you learn a lot of things where you can't get anywhere in the world in that PAY. now PAY is like my second family, although yeah distances keeps us apart. and guess what? today is it's 25th birthday! SILVER birth day! yohooo! keep up the good work guys!

Anyways I made a present for them and it is...

Yeah it took sometime to make it. but it's worth it. Anyway today this morning my mood is boosted by a single text by... well you know..., her :P

Blogger wouldn't let me put large picture in my post. so if you want to see the picture in original size just click on it.

And so I begin this day with a huge step. Well maybe to huge as I actually fell from the stair in my house. Ok well not just that stair. I also fell from my bed as I went to get some midnight snack. You can't call it the same day actually since it's midnight :P And finally I fell from the school's stair XD god i love this day! -,-

Since today was an ordinary shitty day I'm not gonna talk about it much. But I think I'm gonna talk about tomorrow. Well I'm not trying to be some magician or fortune teller or etc. It's just that there's gonna be a polish student exchange tomorrow. So the "poles" will come and homestay at the student's house for like around 4 days. And yeah I am hosting one. His name is Andreash I guess (yeah, the "SSH" sound in the end is necessary). I'm actually pretty excited bout this. Excited in meeting new friends that is. But yeah this is somehow i guess gonna be awkward. cause they'll actually STAY at your house. And meet your parents? tell me what could be worse -_-

Well I guess that's it for today from me. Wish me luck on the student exchange tomorrow! :D:D:D:D:D

Saturday, October 2, 2010

a big saturday adventure

So today me and my family are planning to go to Ekero where the Chinese castle and the Queen's Castle are located. and off we go!
But no we don't go by bus. It's just one of the random photo I took from inside the car. Looking at it I kinda like it so yeah I put it as the first pic in this post. Cool eh???
 Off we go then. To go to Ekero we have to cross a lake and to cross the lake we've got to board the ferry. Which doesn't really look like one oddly enough -__-
 We took some pictures on the ferry as it was moving. Well maybe not some but a lot. And yeah it took some time for the ferry to arrive at it's harbor in the other side of the lake. As I'm waiting I kinda get bored, so I experimented with my camera. I took a photo with a long shutter speed and a large aperture value to balance it up. The result is stunning. The water looks kinda like "flowing" love it :)
 As we reached the other side of the lake I saw this extraordinary sight. A boat is tumbled over by the side of the lake! Well of course it was just a tourist attraction but still it caught my attention. And It's a cool thing to see too.
We then throttle our way to the museum
 Near the entrance of the parking lot, there's this tree that looks awesome at the right moment. So I took some photo for it. Notice how those beautiful leaves fell. It's so freaking cool. Well maybe you can't see it really but guys, trust me, I wish you're there to see this!

 And this yellowish pretty tree is near the entrance to the chinese castle. It's sooo awesome right? And the one on the left? I named the photo "Spirit of the fallen" because although it's autumn and all the leaves are falling and all. A bud of beautiful flower still has the will to grow. Seriously today was so awesome I'm not even halfway through my day yet. So keep reading guys. There's a bunch of pic you'll have to see too ^.^

 This one on the left is usually a park where people play and all. But now with all the leaves falling looks like not many people are there to play in the park. Good for me though cause I can take a lot of photos ^.^
 My parents :')
 My lovely sister :)
 My family. We were just playing with the leaves in this park. Spent some time playing and it's sooo much fun! ^_^
 Then we went to the souvenir shop. We went around the shop and discover a stair that leads to.... a costume dressing room!!! And yeah it was so cool! Everything from swords helmets robes skirts and even the royal crowns! We tried on many clothes. But I like this one. They say it's a clothe for the friends of the prince. Cool, eh?
 I was just fooling around on this one :P What do you think? Pretty nice right?
 And finally we went to the Queen's castle. Yup. This is it. It's actually pretty HUGE if you're there to witness it yourself. After that though we decided to look some place to eat cause we realize it's 3 already. Time goes by too fast as we had fun :P

As we look for some place to eat we found this beautiful apple farm. So we stopped by to see. And yeah it's not just an apple farm. But there's also horses! So we finally get something to eat in an Indian Restaurant Khusboo. Yeah and that's it for the day. But then when I came home, turn on the computer, and get online my msn messenger shows someone is online. Someone so beautiful and important in my life. It's Wirda! Wow I was so excited and I greeted her. Yeah and we chatted a lot. She told me that she was waiting for me. And I was like feeling so sorry bout that. Well back to my day. I missed a story or two about today though. First is the antique car show near the castle. And the other one is shopping in XXL in Broma. Yeay I've got a scarf! hahaha. Well that's it for today. See ya tomorrow, Bye!

Friday, October 1, 2010

ya kayaknya gak perlu judul buat yang ini. dan posting selanjutnya, since this is a journal.

today i woke up at like 6.30 which is either early nor late. early in a sense of this is sooo early to wake up and late in realizing it's school day. well this is actually nothing compared to me "before" i went here. back then in indonesia i woke up 4 every morning -___-

today's just an ordinary school day. have fun doing NOTHING in physics, answering several RIDICULOUS questions in TOK, having a HUGE boring break while others are having history, yawns around 500 times in math standard and finally do some fun stuff in art. Yeah well the things that are interesting though is that I played pingpong (ok lan it's table tennis -__-) with michael and solomon. having so much fun there although i'm the one who's talking a lot by myself but still it is fun. then i mentioned we have the fun thing on art right? yeah it was this project that's so cool. we are x-raying a picture of statue of david. i haven't done much but i'm so excited! :)

while that's school day. the things i did in school. what i did at home is so fun, sad (but this is a happy sad, not the depressed sad). i was video calling with her. yeah you know who i meant by her. it's Wirdashari Kaspandani. yup she talked a lot about how she's doing there and all. well yeah you know how hard it is having some kind of "long distance relationship". although somehow we're not officially in some kind of that relationship but yeah we're quite close. and yup we've got many connection problem -__- but anyway she talked about cheerleader, paskib too. everything. and so am i.

I miss you so bad :(