Imagine an island. Full of every single one of your wishes. And I mean everything from turkish delight to the most expensive mercedes. And you're stranded there by yourself. All of those things are yours. They're yours to play with or even to throw away.
Now. At this very moment, I'm in that island. But it's been a year since I'm stranded in that island. Well yeah it seems like I have such a beautiful life, or at least that's what people see. I have everything I wanted. Except a friend...
Yes, I'm that lonely. I seriously don't know what is happening with me. I see all my friends here as just, well I don't really know how to say this, people. They would just come and go. They'd just be another cloud in the sky. That I'll just glance for a second, and continue my regular day. That's just what happen everyday. The truth is, i never really have a bestfriend. I once had though. But it's a year ago. Since I left Indonesia.
Honestly, i miss my friends in Indonesia. I miss those togetherness. I miss those intimacy. It's a totally different world now here. People are so, i don't know, solitary. I think they're motto are "Mind your own business!" or "I belive in individualism".
Sure there's msn, facebook, skype and much more stuff to keep us connected and stuff. But the truth is, that's all a f**king bullshit! It's a f**cking 6 hours difference dude! By the time they chatted hi, my lazy ass would probably be snoring fast asleep! And they'd think I had such a new wonderful life here that I forget them!!! And I'll go like crazy getting on my nerve on simple thing such as loosing my eraser and start banging the door or blaming my brother for it! It's not just that. Hell, no. There's much more. This f**king IB program? With all the IA and EA, CAS and EE?! I think that's such a bullshit. If I were in Indonesia I'd probably be done with CAS now. There's paskib, scout, OSIS, much more group and voluntary work there. And EE? I'd probably have done 3 of them if I'm there by now. It's not about how tough the school is. For sure Indonesia has the toughest school. Or at least my previous school was. It's about the intimacy. Between the teachers and student. Between each students. Between classes. Between seniors and juniors. Between the staffs and the students. Between EVERYONE for god's sake!!!
Hhh... Deep breath... Exhale... Let's calm down.
Well as much as I complain today, it'll be just another stupid post from the stupid adhitya in his stupid blog. And yeah I know no one would actually read this lousy long list of complaints. Even if this post is read, none would actually care. It's either run away or face it. I want to face it. Even if that means I have to put a fake smile in my face everyday. So far, I have done well. :')
P.S. : I have been listening to these songs lately and it made me smile a little. If you've read you might try listening.
100 years- five for fighting
Fix you- either coldplay or the cover made by secondhand serenade
Boulevard of broken dreams- greenday
Wonderwall- oasis
Imagine- john lennon
No way out- phil collins
Trust you- from gundam 00 ost
Life is like a boat- from bleach ost
I wanna go to a place- from gundam seed ost
One- from RF ost
Because you believe- from gundam seed ost
Your call- secondhand serenade
I.M.U.- ten2five
I will fly - ten2five
Feels like home - ten2five
As long as i got you - ten2five